A word about how this workbook application is designed:
- Each section of the Workbook contains a series of questions with space for your answers. As you complete each section you simply save your work, and you can print or save it as a PDF at the end.
- You can return and change the content at any time by clicking on any section of the progress menu on the right. Each time you update the content, Plan Genie marks your plan with the date updated.
- Each Step can be completed independently of the others. Depending on the size and complexity of your business, you may choose to do some of the workbook sections off line and add them to your business plan at the end.
The CEO’s ethical standards give rise to the Corporate Culture. To state the reverse, the Organization’s Values and Ethical Standards reflect those of the CEO, an individual, but the one with the most authority and power in the organization.
Core values are not relative, they are fixed. They are not goals.
In writing your core values consider how those statements will be reflected in observable behaviors and actions taken over the long term. (eg. What behaviors get rewarded?)
Here’s a couple of examples borrowed from Groen Brothers Aviation:
Value: Do the right thing
Which means that: As a corporation and individual, “we will always do the right thing”. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy. It is easy, however, to know whether a course of action is right. If we ask ourselves, “is this right?” we already know the answer.
Value: We will listen
Which means that: We will listen to each other, our customers, our suppliers, and any other source of information and knowledge. We know we must continue to learn. We believe that knowledge is power. We will learn all we can about our industry and its needs. We will find out what our customers want and will give it to them.
Note: For this application, we distinguish between marketing and sales activities as two different, but related, processes.
Your marketing plan is any activity that:
- builds the company brand
- involves communication with your target market and existing clients
- generates new business opportunities (identifies leads)
Your sales plan will address all activities, processes and tools to manage an unqualified lead through to the close of a contract and into a future long term relationship.
Finance: Activities, systems, processes, tools required to track and document all financial transactions and manage the company’s capital assets.
Administration: Activities, systems, processes, tools required to support day to day administration.